how to compile nfasl from IntelMac? (problems building Universal Binary)
I'm using "save-universal-from-script" on my very simple delivery
script to compile a universal binary, but getting stuck.
My main project files have all been compiled and have .xfasl files
made for them, but none have PowerPC .nfasl files created.
When I try to build a universal binary it gets stuck looking for nfasl files.
ppc > ;;; Compiling file
/Users/cperkins/sg3_lsp_rework/ml_utils_package.nfasl ...
ppc > ;;; Safety = 3, Speed = 1, Space = 1, Float = 1, Interruptible = 0
ppc > ;;; Compilation speed = 1, Debug = 2, Fixnum safety = 3
ppc > ;;; Source level debugging is on
ppc > ;;; Source file recording is on
ppc > ;;; Cross referencing is on
ppc > Error: The file
#P"/Users/cperkins/sg3_lsp_rework/ml_utils_package.nfasl" does not exist.
I have some library files that seem to have been compiled to .nfasl
at some point, and they load fine. But ml_utils_package.lsp is the
first file in my project, and it is has no .nfasl created. I would
think that the delivery process would compile them for me, but it
doesn't seem to.
So, I have a main project file which calls "compile-file" on all the
files used by my project. I have delivery file which calls "deliver"
on my main project file, and now I have a file that uses the
"save-universal-from-script" on that delivery file. If I'm just
building an IntelMac deliverable, everything works fine. Oddly, my
main project file gets compiled to an .nfasl file just fine. But all
the files it attempts to compile are not. I have opted for it to be
loaded, so it seems that they should.
I've removed my "compile-file-if-needed" calls from my project file
and replaced them with "compile-file", but that doesn't seem to matter.
Thanks for any help,
Chris Perkins
Media lab, Inc