Hello, I try to use the capi:with-page-transform macro to do some print job. It worked fine for me on LWM 4.4, but with LWM 5.0.1, the macro seems to do nothing... Anybody has experimented this macro with success on LW 5 ? Thanks Denis (let ((current-printer (capi:print-dialog :printer (capi:current-printer)))) (capi:with-print-job (printer-port :jobname "Print Score" :printer current-printer ) (capi:with-page-transform (0 0 200 200) (capi:with-document-pages (page-index 1 1) (gp:draw-rectangle printer-port 3 3 194 194 :filled nil :thickness 6 :foreground :red) )))) ;Normally this rectangle must fill the printable page area, but on my preview it appears exactly as is it, without any transformation ------------------------------------------------------- Denis Pousseur 70 rue de Wansijn 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel : 32 (0)2 219 31 09 Mail : Website : -------------------------------------------------------