Confused abouth pathnames
CL-USER 93 > (get-working-directory) #P"C:/Documents and Settings/John Thingstad_2/" CL-USER 94 > (pathname-device *) NIL What? Don't you mean C? CL-USER 95 > (pathname-directory **) (:ABSOLUTE "Documents and Settings" "John Thingstad_2") OK No device.. CL-USER 96 > (make-pathname :device "C" :directory "Windows") #P":C:/Windows/" What's that extra : doing there? (let ((dir (get-working-directory))) (defparameter *app-help-directory* (make-pathname :device "C" :directory (pathname-directory dir)))) (defun app-help (subject) (let ((file-name (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name subject :type "txt") *app-help-directory*))) (write file-name) (with-open-file (file file-name :direction :input) (loop for text = (read-line file nil 'eof) until (eq text 'eof) do (write-line text))) (values))) CL-USER 97 > (app-help "input") #P":C:/Documents and Settings/John Thingstad_2/input.txt" Error: The file #P"C:C:/Documents and Settings/John Thingstad_2/input.txt" does not exist. Who added that extra C: ? Is pathname broken under windows? In ACL I get (make-pathname :devive "C" :directory "Windows") > #p"C:\\Windows" about like I would expect. -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: