Re: win 32 system calls
On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:05:55 -0400, Paul Tarvydas <> wrote:
> This may seem like a stupid question, but, like in the good old days
> of V6/V7 unix, I wish I had someone looking over my shoulder telling
> me how to use my tools better.
> I need to do some Win32 calls, e.g. RegOpenKeyEx, and am about to
> specify and execute them using FLI (painful, since I'll have to dig
> through uSoft documentation).
> One would think that most of these calls are already implemented in
> LWW, especially when one finds suggestive symbols like
> WIN32::REG-OPEN-KEY in a do-symbols listing.
> I'm wondering if I'm missing something - if I'm not making
> sufficient use of all of the LWW (or CL) "toolset".
> Should I be able to use the existing WIN32::REG-OPEN-KEY? How do I
> find out more about it? (The function browser tool gives only a
> tiny bit of info).
If you're interested in playing with the Windows registry in
particular, here's what I found out:
As you'll see from that message, this isn't documented by LispWorks
and you certainly won't get any warranties from me, so you're on your