RE: LW 5.0 vs ACL 8.0: Optimizing heavy floating-point code
" It seems that LW is faster (stats below) despite almost 2x the number of
Optimizing speed often requires increasing space requirements; algorithms
101. Unrolling loops for instance means lots more instructions, but you
don't have to keep checking the loop termination conditions, hence, faster
1) decide what you are optimizing for
2) measure that directly, not indirectly.
i.e., if you are optimizing speed, time your code, don't count
And if you are really doing something heavy duty for which you need
assembler <cough> C, then use the FFI to get to C. You don't buy a
maserati to compete in a monster truck tournament.
Bradford W. Miller
Cognitive/Computer Scientist/Engineer
Cognitive Systems Group Lead
Raytheon IDS
1847 West Main Road
Portsmouth, RI 02871-1087
(401) 842-3578 (v)
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 6:53 AM
Subject: LW 5.0 vs ACL 8.0: Optimizing heavy floating-point code
I'm pitting LW 5.0 on Mac Intel against ACL 8.0 in a final round of
pre-purchase checks.
I have some heavy-duty floating-point computations. The C function
looks like this:
double digamma(double x)
double p;
return p;
GCC generates about 200 assembler instructions for the code above.
This is the Lisp code I came up with using Duane Rettig's (Franz) help:
(defun digamma/setq-x (x)
(declare (:explain :types :inlining :variables)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
((double-float (0.0d0) *) x))
(incf x 6d0)
(let* ((p (/ 1d0 (* x x)))
(logx (log x))
(one 1d0))
(declare (double-float one p))
(setq p (* (- (* (+ (* p (- (* p 0.004166666666667d0)
0.008333333333333d0) p)
0.083333333333333d0) p))
(+ p (- logx
(/ 0.5d0 x)
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))))
This generates 361 instructions [1]. I tweaked the same function for
LispWorks like this:
(defun digamma/setq-x (x)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (float 0))
(type (double-float (0.0d0) *) x))
(incf x 6d0)
(let* ((p (/ 1d0 (* x x)))
(logx (log x))
(one 1d0))
(declare (type (double-float one p)))
(setq p (* (- (* (+ (* p (- (* p 0.004166666666667d0)
0.008333333333333d0) p)
0.083333333333333d0) p))
(+ p (- logx
(/ 0.5d0 x)
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))
(/ one (setq x (- x one)))))
I'm not sure if (declare ((double-float (0.0d0) *) x)) is just as
valid for LW. Making it (declare (type (double-float (0.0d0) *) x))
increases instruction count to 781 from 541 and I start seeing calls
to SYSTEM::RAW-FAST-BOX-DOUBLE in the assembler listing which (I
suppose) is an improvement [2].
Does the disassembly comment below say that this is a generic version
of the function?
; #<Function SYSTEM::*%+$ANY-STUB 2010FFFA>
It seems that LW is faster (stats below) despite almost 2x the number
of instructions. Am I correct in this assessment? I'm no assembler
expert but would this be because of better pipelining, etc.?
Did I get the declare above right? Did I miss any optimization
annotations for LW?
Last but not least, the only way I was able to arrive at the code
above is by using (declare (:explain :types :inlining :variables))
in ACL 8.0. This tells me what is being boxed and what is not, what
can be inlined, what is being held in registers, etc.
I understand there's no such help provided by LW 5.0. How do you
folks approach iterative optimization without any feedback from the
The stats for LW 5.0 are:
(time (loop for i from 10000 to 1000000 do (digamma/setq-x i)))
Timing the evaluation of (LOOP FOR I FROM 10000 TO 1000000 DO
User time = 3.275
System time = 0.015
Elapsed time = 4.593
Allocation = 403946972 bytes
2 Page faults
Calls to %EVAL 14850061
The stats for ACL:
; cpu time (non-gc) 5,470 msec user, 10 msec system
; cpu time (gc) 520 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (total) 5,990 msec user, 10 msec system
; real time 6,015 msec
; space allocation:
; 13,860,170 cons cells, 213,841,600 other bytes, 0 static bytes
[1] ACL 8.0 disasssemble
0: pushl ebp
1: movl ebp,esp
3: pushl esi
4: subl esp,$68
7: movsd xmm5,[eax-10]
12: movl ebx,[esi+18] ; 6.0d0
15: movsd xmm4,[ebx-10]
20: addsd xmm5,xmm4
24: movl ebx,[esi+22] ; 1.0d0
27: movsd xmm4,[ebx-10]
32: movsd xmm3,xmm5
36: mulsd xmm3,xmm5
40: divsd xmm4,xmm3
44: movsd [ebp-32],xmm4
49: movsd [ebp-40],xmm5
54: movsd xmm7,xmm5
58: xorl ecx,ecx
60: call *[edi+531] ; SYS::NEW-DOUBLE-FLOAT
66: movl ebx,[esi+26] ; LOG
69: movb cl,$1
71: call *edi
73: movsd xmm5,[eax-10]
78: movl ebx,[esi+22] ; 1.0d0
81: movsd xmm4,[ebx-10]
86: movl ebx,[esi+30] ; 0.004166666666667d0
89: movsd xmm3,[ebx-10]
94: movsd xmm2,[ebp-32]
99: mulsd xmm3,xmm2
103: movl ebx,[esi+34] ; 0.003968253986254d0
106: movsd [ebp-48],xmm5
111: movsd xmm5,[ebx-10]
116: movsd xmm6,xmm3
120: subsd xmm6,xmm5
124: movsd xmm5,xmm6
128: mulsd xmm5,xmm2
132: movl ebx,[esi+38] ; 0.008333333333333d0
135: movsd xmm3,[ebx-10]
140: addsd xmm5,xmm3
144: mulsd xmm5,xmm2
148: movl ebx,[esi+42] ; 0.083333333333333d0
151: movsd xmm3,[ebx-10]
156: subsd xmm5,xmm3
160: mulsd xmm2,xmm5
164: movl ebx,[esi+46] ; 0.5d0
167: movsd xmm5,[ebx-10]
172: movsd xmm3,[ebp-40]
177: divsd xmm5,xmm3
181: movsd [ebp-32],xmm2
186: movsd xmm2,[ebp-48]
191: movsd xmm6,xmm2
195: subsd xmm6,xmm5
199: movsd xmm5,xmm6
203: subsd xmm3,xmm4
207: movsd xmm2,xmm3
211: movsd xmm6,xmm4
215: divsd xmm6,xmm3
219: movsd xmm3,xmm6
223: subsd xmm5,xmm3
227: subsd xmm2,xmm4
231: movsd xmm3,xmm2
235: movsd xmm6,xmm4
239: divsd xmm6,xmm2
243: movsd xmm2,xmm6
247: subsd xmm5,xmm2
251: subsd xmm3,xmm4
255: movsd xmm2,xmm3
259: movsd xmm6,xmm4
263: divsd xmm6,xmm3
267: movsd xmm3,xmm6
271: subsd xmm5,xmm3
275: subsd xmm2,xmm4
279: movsd xmm3,xmm2
283: movsd xmm6,xmm4
287: divsd xmm6,xmm2
291: movsd xmm2,xmm6
295: subsd xmm5,xmm2
299: subsd xmm3,xmm4
303: movsd xmm2,xmm3
307: movsd xmm6,xmm4
311: divsd xmm6,xmm3
315: movsd xmm3,xmm6
319: subsd xmm5,xmm3
323: subsd xmm2,xmm4
327: divsd xmm4,xmm2
331: subsd xmm5,xmm4
335: movsd xmm4,[ebp-32]
340: addsd xmm5,xmm4
344: movsd xmm7,xmm5
348: xorl ecx,ecx
350: call *[edi+531] ; SYS::NEW-DOUBLE-FLOAT
356: clc
357: leave
358: movl esi,[ebp-4]
361: ret
[2] Disassembly for LW 5.0:
0: 55 push ebp
1: 89E5 move ebp, esp
3: 83EC14 sub esp, 14
6: C7042486140000 move [esp], 1486
13: 50 push eax
14: 89C7 move edi, eax
16: DD4705 fldl [edi+5]
19: DD5DF8 fstpl [ebp-8]
22: 660F126DF8 movlpd xmm5, [ebp-8]
27: 660F123550560A20 movlpd xmm6, [200A5650] ; 6.0D0
35: F20F58F5 addsd xmm6, xmm5
39: 660F1375F8 movlpd [ebp-8], xmm6
44: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
49: 660F126DF8 movlpd xmm5, [ebp-8]
54: F20F59EE mulsd xmm5, xmm6
58: 660F123560560A20 movlpd xmm6, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
66: F20F5EF5 divsd xmm6, xmm5
70: 83EC0C sub esp, C
73: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
80: 660F13742404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm6
86: B501 moveb ch, 1
88: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
94: 8945E8 move [ebp-18], eax
97: 660F127DF8 movlpd xmm7, [ebp-8]
102: 660F137DF0 movlpd [ebp-10], xmm7
107: D9ED fldln2
109: DD45F0 fldl [ebp-10]
112: D9F1 fyl2x
114: DD5DF0 fstpl [ebp-10]
117: FF75E8 push [ebp-18]
120: B8FBEB0820 move eax, 2008EBFB ;
125: E84EA90600 call 201100BA ; #<Function
SYSTEM::*%*$ANY-STUB 201100BA>
130: 50 push eax
131: B8EBEB0820 move eax, 2008EBEB ;
136: E8E3A80600 call 2011005A ; #<Function
SYSTEM::*%-$ANY-STUB 2011005A>
141: 8B5DE8 move ebx, [ebp-18]
144: 0BD8 or ebx, eax
146: F6C303 testb bl, 3
149: 0F852A020000 jne L4
155: 8B5DE8 move ebx, [ebp-18]
158: C1FB02 sar ebx, 2
161: 89C7 move edi, eax
163: 0FAFFB imul edi, ebx
166: 0F8019020000 jo L4
L1: 172: 57 push edi
173: B8DBEB0820 move eax, 2008EBDB ;
178: E859A80600 call 2010FFFA ; #<Function
183: 89C3 move ebx, eax
185: 0B5DE8 or ebx, [ebp-18]
188: F6C303 testb bl, 3
191: 0F850F020000 jne L5
197: 89C3 move ebx, eax
199: C1FB02 sar ebx, 2
202: 89DF move edi, ebx
204: 0FAF7DE8 imul edi, [ebp-18]
208: 0F80FE010000 jo L5
L2: 214: 57 push edi
215: B8CBEB0820 move eax, 2008EBCB ;
220: E88FA80600 call 2011005A ; #<Function
SYSTEM::*%-$ANY-STUB 2011005A>
225: 89C3 move ebx, eax
227: 0B5DE8 or ebx, [ebp-18]
230: F6C303 testb bl, 3
233: 0F85F5010000 jne L6
239: 89C3 move ebx, eax
241: C1FB02 sar ebx, 2
244: 89DF move edi, ebx
246: 0FAF7DE8 imul edi, [ebp-18]
250: 0F80E4010000 jo L6
L3: 256: 897DE8 move [ebp-18], edi
259: 660F1275F0 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-10]
264: 83EC0C sub esp, C
267: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
274: 660F13742404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm6
280: B501 moveb ch, 1
282: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
288: 50 push eax
289: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
294: 660F122DC0EB0820 movlpd xmm5, [2008EBC0] ; 0.5D0
302: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
306: 83EC0C sub esp, C
309: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
316: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
322: B501 moveb ch, 1
324: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
330: 50 push eax
331: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
336: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
344: F20F5CF5 subsd xmm6, xmm5
348: 660F1375F8 movlpd [ebp-8], xmm6
353: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
361: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
365: 83EC0C sub esp, C
368: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
375: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
381: B501 moveb ch, 1
383: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
389: 50 push eax
390: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
395: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
403: F20F5CF5 subsd xmm6, xmm5
407: 660F1375F8 movlpd [ebp-8], xmm6
412: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
420: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
424: 83EC0C sub esp, C
427: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
434: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
440: B501 moveb ch, 1
442: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
448: 50 push eax
449: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
454: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
462: F20F5CF5 subsd xmm6, xmm5
466: 660F1375F8 movlpd [ebp-8], xmm6
471: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
479: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
483: 83EC0C sub esp, C
486: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
493: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
499: B501 moveb ch, 1
501: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
507: 50 push eax
508: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
513: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
521: F20F5CF5 subsd xmm6, xmm5
525: 660F1375F8 movlpd [ebp-8], xmm6
530: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
538: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
542: 83EC0C sub esp, C
545: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
552: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
558: B501 moveb ch, 1
560: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
566: 50 push eax
567: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
572: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
580: F20F5CF5 subsd xmm6, xmm5
584: 660F1375F8 movlpd [ebp-8], xmm6
589: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
597: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
601: 83EC0C sub esp, C
604: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
611: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
617: B501 moveb ch, 1
619: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
625: 50 push eax
626: 660F1275F8 movlpd xmm6, [ebp-8]
631: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
639: F20F5CF5 subsd xmm6, xmm5
643: 660F122D60560A20 movlpd xmm5, [200A5660] ; 1.0D0
651: F20F5EEE divsd xmm5, xmm6
655: 83EC0C sub esp, C
658: C70424860C0000 move [esp], C86
665: 660F136C2404 movlpd [esp+4], xmm5
671: B501 moveb ch, 1
673: FF1584FC1220 call [2012FC84] ; SYSTEM::RAW-
679: B508 moveb ch, 8
681: FF15E4D11220 call [2012D1E4] ; -
687: 8B5DE8 move ebx, [ebp-18]
690: 0BD8 or ebx, eax
692: F6C303 testb bl, 3
695: 753B jne L7
697: 8B7DE8 move edi, [ebp-18]
700: 03F8 add edi, eax
702: 7034 jo L7
704: FD std
705: 89F8 move eax, edi
707: C9 leave
708: C3 ret
L4: 709: FF75E8 push [ebp-18]
712: E803A70600 call 201100BA ; #<Function
SYSTEM::*%*$ANY-STUB 201100BA>
717: 89C7 move edi, eax
719: E9D8FDFFFF jmp L1
L5: 724: 50 push eax
725: 8B45E8 move eax, [ebp-18]
728: E8F3A60600 call 201100BA ; #<Function
SYSTEM::*%*$ANY-STUB 201100BA>
733: 89C7 move edi, eax
735: E9F2FDFFFF jmp L2
L6: 740: 50 push eax
741: 8B45E8 move eax, [ebp-18]
744: E8E3A60600 call 201100BA ; #<Function
SYSTEM::*%*$ANY-STUB 201100BA>
749: 89C7 move edi, eax
751: E90CFEFFFF jmp L3
L7: 756: 8B7DE8 move edi, [ebp-18]
759: 83EC04 sub esp, 4
762: 8B7500 move esi, [ebp]
765: 8975FC move [ebp-4], esi
768: 83ED04 sub ebp, 4
771: 8B7508 move esi, [ebp+8]
774: 897504 move [ebp+4], esi
777: 897D08 move [ebp+8], edi
780: C9 leave
781: E9FEA50600 jmp 2010FFFA ; #<Function