controlling an editor-pane from afar
I suspect that I'm doing something stupid, but I can't see it. Maybe someone can point out my stupidity... I had a gui that worked under LWW - among other things, it contained an editor pane. I would call editor:wfind-file-command and editor:goto-line-command and everything seemed happy. I then chopped the gui up into three separate gui's (interfaces) and converted the cross-process editor calls to stuff like: (capi:execute-with-interface *editor* 'editor:wfind-file-command <filename>) (capi:execute-with-interface *editor* 'editor:goto-line-command <expr>) where *editor* is a global containing the interface of the editor. Now, the editor commands don't work reasonably anymore. The wfind-file-command loads a file into my workspace editor - not the editor-pane of the gui, and the goto-line appears to have no effect. If I try the commands manually from the listener, they seem to work. If I deliver the program and shutdown lispworks (i.e. no interference from any other editor pane), the editor commands appear to have no effect. As I write this - I notice that *editor* is a global which was created in the start-up function (run from the listener). Is this my problem? What is the "reasonable" way to make another part of the gui app (another interface) see this global correctly. Or, if using a global is a bad idea, what is the preferred way to make that other interface communicate with the editor interface? thanx pt