Announcement: GOALIE is available for download
Hi since we are talking "ontologies", after Francis' message, let it be known that I we have just completed a new version of our time-course enrichment tool GOALIE. Tools that do "enrichment" are an important part of biologists and bioinformaticians bag of tricks. GOALIE is a twist on enrichment programs, as it adds another dimension to the usual analysis tools out there. In fact it allows the user to perform enrichment over a time course and to see what categories are "up" and "down" regulated along the time axis. A simple, Gantt-like chart display conveys this information, while a more complex graph display allows for finer inspection of clusters, probes, genes and ontology terms. You can download GOALIE from our website we welcome feedback and (loving) criticism. GOALIE is a full blown Lispworks application which directly links in the Gene Ontology database. It also reuses several little bits and pieces I have written over the years and never quite released :) In any case, it is another example of the kind of gasps you get from audiences (believe me!) who do not know Common Lisp. Thanks for your attention -- Marco Antoniotti