& in file parsed by CXML
When I parse a file containing "&"s, CXML:parse-file gives the error message "Error: Document not well-formed: entity not defined: amp". Maybe I need to provide more information to the parser about how to handle the XML special characters but I am not sure where to do that. Here is an example: REPL> (with-open-file (s "example.xml" :direction :output) (write-string "<test a='b&'><child/></test>" s)) --> "<test a='b&'><child/></test>" REPL> (cxml:parse-file "example.xml" (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder)) --> Error: Document not well-formed: entity not defined: amp Context: Line 1, column 16 in file://+ Without the & it works fine and produces: --> ("test" (("a" "b")) ("child" NIL)) Thanks for any help. Mitch