Re: capi:show-pane & friends
Actually, I'm having no trouble updating the progress bar. Maybe
I'm not doing it the way I'm supposed to, but I'm scheduling a timer
which periodically updates the progress bar. I'm only using the progress
bar to indicate how much time something has taken of its alloted time.
E.g., making a call to some external system which might time out. If the
time out is in 10 seconds, the progress bar might move 10% every second
for 10 seconds.
The show and hide pane is still an issue though...
On 8/7/06, John DeSoi <> wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2006, at 1:42 PM, Taylor, Joshua wrote:
> > The idea is that there is an interface with a progress bar. The
> > progress bar
> > is hidden when the interface is displayed and would be shown again
> > when
> > needed, using capi:show-pane. I can't get the thing to show up
> > again though.
> > It occurs to me that I might be misunderstanding the purpose
> > of show- and hide- pane; perhaps they are meant to hide the
> > interface containing
> > pane, as show and hide interface would, but this doesn't seem to be
> > the case
> > as show-pane hides *only* the specified pane, and not the interface.
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > I'm working on Mac OS X 10.4.7 in Lispworks 4.4.6.
> I'm not sure about the hide-pane part, but I think the larger problem
> you face is getting the progress bar to update properly on OS X.
> Search the archives for several discussions about this. I had no luck
> getting progress bars or other CAPI elements (e.g. title pane text)
> to update during lengthy operations on the Mac. I was using execute-
> with-interface from a secondary process performing the operation.
> The good news is that everything appears to be fixed now with
> LispWorks 5.
> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
> Power Tools for PostgreSQL
Joshua Taylor