WinXP default font in capi:editor-pane
LispWorks 4.4.6 WinXP Newbie question. I set the font that I want for LispWorks Tools->Configuration and that is the font that I want for my default font... It works in all the LispWorks windows and buffers but this does not work and worse I can't find it anywhere. Somehow I think I have to get to the registry setting because it appears LispWorks abandons anything set in the init file for what is set in Tools->Configuration which goes into the registry. This isn't complicated I already set it... All I need to get it to do what it should do anyway. The following does NOT WORK. It goes back to some other setting that I can't find. I don't understand why I have to do anything anyway shouldn't the default be the default? (capi:define-interface my-lisp-editor-interface2 () () (:panes (my-lisp-editor capi:editor-pane :buffer-modes '("Lisp") :buffer-name "xxx" :font :EDITOR-PANE-DEFAULT-FONT :echo-area t)) (:layouts (root-layout capi:column-layout '(my-lisp-editor))) (:default-initargs :best-height 300 :best-width 300 :layout 'root-layout :display-state :maximized :title "My Lisp Editor Interface2")) David L. Greene