tree-view expand and contract
If I use the '+' button in the example below, to (try to) expand all the nodes in the tree view, I have to press *twice* to get all the levels expaned. Strangely enough, this happens only after a new instance is created. After the first press the button(s) start to do the right thing, i.e., expand and contract all the nodes in the tree- view. Am I applying 'tree-view-expanded-p' incorrectly somehow? (capi:define-interface tree-view-test () () (:panes (tree capi:tree-view :roots '(1 2 3 4) :children-function #'(lambda (x) (and (< x 50) (let ((base (* x 4))) (list (+ base 1) (+ base 2) (+ base 3) (+ base 4))))) :visible-min-width 200 :visible-min-height 200 ; :retain-expanded-nodes t :vertical-scroll t) (expand capi:push-button :text "+" :callback-type :interface :selection-callback #'(lambda (interface) (with-slots (tree) interface (capi:map-collection-items tree #'(lambda(x) (setf (capi::tree-view-expanded-p tree x) t)))))) (contract capi:push-button :text "-" :callback-type :interface :selection-callback #'(lambda (interface) (with-slots (tree) interface (capi:map-collection-items tree #'(lambda(x) (setf (capi::tree-view-expanded-p tree x) ()))))))) (:layouts (default-layout capi:column-layout '(tree expand contract))) (:default-initargs :title "Tree View Test")) (capi:display (make-instance 'tree-view-test)) Mika Mika Kuuskankare Researcher Department of Doctoral Studies in Musical Performance and Research Sibelius Academy Henkilökohtainen postiosoite/Personal post address PL 342 - PO Box 342 FIN-00121 Helsinki, FINLAND Tel: +358 (0)40 5415 233 Skype: mkuuskan home page: