tree view check boxes
I'm under the impression from the documentation that the tree view object is supposed to be able display standard OS check boxes next to each item. I can't seem to make it work. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding and I have to create my own state images? I found the code below on gmane ( gmane.lisp.lispworks.general/3175/match=tree+checkbox) (in-package :cl-user) (capi:define-interface test () () (:panes (simple-tree-view capi:tree-view :roots '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) :children-function (lambda (item) (and (< item 100) (loop for i below 10 collect (+ i (* item 10))))) :use-images nil :checkbox-status 2 :checkbox-initial-status (loop for i below 1000 collect (cons i 2)))) (:default-initargs :best-width 300 :best-height 300)) (defun test () (capi:contain (make-instance 'test))) It works as is on Windows but the check boxes don't appear to come from the operating system (red check mark which extends slightly outside the check box). On the Mac, I get an error: Condition: No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CAPI::IMAGE-LIST-LOCK 108997AA> with args (NIL) Call to ERROR (offset 104) SYSTEM::ESTRING : "No applicable methods for ~S with args ~S" SYSTEM::EARGS : (#<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CAPI::IMAGE-LIST- LOCK 108997AA> (NIL)) Catch frame: (NIL) Catch frame: (NIL) Call to CERROR (offset 1028) CONDITIONS::CONTINUE-STRING : "Call ~S again" CONDITIONS::DATUM : "No applicable methods for ~S with args ~S" CONDITIONS::ARGUMENTS : (#<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CAPI::IMAGE-LIST-LOCK 108997AA> (NIL)) Call to (METHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD (T)) (offset 80) CLOS::GF : #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CAPI::IMAGE-LIST-LOCK 108997AA> CLOS::ARGS : (NIL) Call to CLOS::GENERIC-FUNCTION-NON-DISCRIMINATOR (offset 112) Call to CLOS::STANDARD-READER-METHOD-DISCRIMINATOR (offset 156) Call to CAPI::ENSURE-IMAGE-LIST (offset 188) CAPI::USER : #<CAPI:TREE-VIEW SIMPLE-TREE-VIEW [0 items] 100D21B7> CAPI:IMAGE-LIST : NIL Call to (METHOD CAPI-LIBRARY:FINALIZE-REPRESENTATION :BEFORE (CAPI- COCOA-LIBRARY::TREE-VIEW-REPRESENTATION)) (offset 168) CAPI-COCOA-LIBRARY::REPRESENTATION : #<CAPI-COCOA-LIBRARY::TREE- VIEW-REPRESENTATION for #<CAPI-INTERNALS:LIBRARY-TREE-VIEW #<CAPI:TREE-VIEW SIMPLE-TREE-VIEW [0 items] 100D21B7> 100E630B> 100E80BF> Binding frame: CLOS::*NEXT-METHODS* : (#<Closure CLOS::METHOD-COMBINATION-TEMPLATE>) Call to (METHOD CAPI::CREATE :AROUND (CAPI::LIBRARY-ELEMENT)) (offset 140) CAPI::SELF : #<CAPI-INTERNALS:LIBRARY-TREE-VIEW #<CAPI:TREE-VIEW SIMPLE-TREE-VIEW [0 items] 100D21B7> 100E630B> LispWorks 4.4.6 Mac/Win John DeSoi, Ph.D. Power Tools for PostgreSQL