Call for Participation: 3rd European Lisp Workshop
| 3rd European Lisp Workshop |
| July 3 - Nantes, Frances - co-located with ECOOP 2006 |
| Supported by ALU and Ravenbrook Limited |
Important News
* The workshop has been reduced to one day and will be held on Monday,
July 3.
* We have accepted five papers for presentation, about an agent-based
framework to simulate metabolic processes, simulation of quantum
computations, Lisp tools for musicology, naturalising foreign
libraries, and beating C in scientific computing applications, as
well as a breakout group on Lisp Hardware revisited.
* Nick Levine's keynote presentation will have the title
"How to stay poor, with macros and closures."
* The workshop will also contain tutorials about CLIM and/or reflection
and metaprogramming in Lisp.
The exact programme will be made available in the next few days at the
workshop website. There is still enough room for additional
participants, so please contact Pascal Costanza at if you
wish to participate. Note that the early registration deadline is
May 23, 2006.
See the news section at the workshop website at for more details.
Pascal Costanza,,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium