Re: lispworks' answer to allegro cache ?
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:40:03 +0100 (BST), "Tim Bradshaw" <> wrote:
> Well, of course, an enormous amount of commercial software is not
> actually distributed: for instance if you use Berkeley DB to run
> your website or ASP then you're just fine, because you don't release
> any code. Of the remaining commercial systems, the great majority
> ship in very small numbers and are correspondingly expensive, so
> licensing costs probably are not crippling there. For mass-market
> commercial applications (which is a small minority of them)
> licencing socts may be a big deal, but I suspect you can negotiate
> in that case.
I'm in the second category - most of the time I ship custom-made apps
in very small numbers. I negotiated with SleepyCat in the initial
phase of one project two years ago, but each of their offers was far
beyond what would have been a reasonable price for us. AllegroCL
including AllegroCache is dirt-cheap compared to Berkeley DB.
> I'm kind of in the opposite camp to you I guess - though I'd like a
> Lisp solution in some theoretical sense, I don't really want to
> reinvent any wheels if I can avoid it, and I'm also aware that
> Berkeley DB has had a lot of performance &c work on it which I'd
> rather not have to do.
I think this very much depends on what you're doing. AllegroCache
itself is a good example because they initially used BerkeleyDB as a
backend, then switched to a Lisp-only solution, and found out that
they were faster that way. If you know your data well, you'll most
likely be able to beat a general purpose B-tree implementation like
BerkeleyDB given enough effort. (No, I haven't done this myself.)