Recursive error in coerce to condition
I'm running a delivered application that acts as a web server (using Hunchentoot). The application, currently being tested, is started with nohup on a Linux machine. Some days later, nohup.out contains lines the following (lot of them): Recursive error in coerce to condition. 1 (continue) Try finding the class CONDITIONS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION-ERROR again 2 (abort) Quit process. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 1 : 1 > ;; End-of-file in a listener, exiting one level. Recursive error in coerce to condition. 1 (continue) Try finding the class CONDITIONS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION-ERROR again 2 (abort) Quit process. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 1 : 1 > ;; End-of-file in a listener, exiting one level. I'm very sure that everything happening in this application happens in newly created processes. I'm also pretty sure that all errors should be caught by my code somehow. Any idea why the app is thrown into a listener? And what could be the cause of this? How am I supposed to debug this? Thanks, Edi.