smoothly scrolling images?
Hi, I get some annoying artifacts when using images in a scrollable pane/ layout. I tried to experiment with some "safe" code and found the "image.lisp" example file. If I add :vertical-scroll to the layout definition below I get the same artifacts when scrolling than I do in my own code. What is the correct way to implement a layout with text and images that can be scrolled smoothly? I am in LWM 4.4.6. (capi:define-interface test-image-functions () ((image :initform nil)) (:panes (viewer capi:output-pane :display-callback 'display-test-image-functions :horizontal-scroll t :vertical-scroll t :visible-min-width 500 :visible-min-height 375) (controller capi:push-button-panel :items '(:change... :close) :callbacks '(test-image-functions-change-image test-image-functions-close-image) :callback-type :interface :print-function 'string-capitalize)) (:layouts (main-layout capi:column-layout '(viewer controller) :vertical-scroll t)) ;;; <------- ADDED vertical-scroll t HERE (:default-initargs :layout 'main-layout :best-width 200 :best-height 200)) Mika Kuuskankare Researcher Department of Doctoral Studies in Musical Performance and Research Sibelius Academy Henkilökohtainen postiosoite/Personal post address PL 342 - PO Box 342 FIN-00121 Helsinki, FINLAND Tel: +358 (0)40 5415 233 Skype: mkuuskan