CAPI Images Problem
Hi I am trying to write a simple splash screen for my application. Here is the code (just subtitute any .bmp file in the code) I keep getting an error No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION COLOR::FIND-COLOR-USER 20C87A7A> with args (NIL) which, I assume, it happens because the graphics port is not instantiated yet. Does anybody have any ideas about how to make something like this work? Thanks Marco ======================================= (defparameter *splash-image* (gp:read-external-image (merge-pathnames "goalie-splash.bmp" (lispworks:current-pathname)))) (capi:define-interface splash-screen () ((image :accessor splash-screen-image :initform nil) ) (:panes (view capi:output-pane :display-callback 'display-splash-image :reader splash-image-view )) (:layouts (main capi:simple-layout '(view))) (:default-initargs :layout 'main :visible-min-width 300 :visible-min-heigth 300)) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((sc splash-screen) &key) ) (defun display-splash-image (pane x y width height) (with-accessors ((image splash-screen-image)) (capi:top-level-interface pane) (unless image (setf image (gp:load-image image *splash-image*)) (gp:invalidate-rectangle pane)) (when image (when (gp:rectangle-overlap x y (+ x width) (+ y height) 0 0 (gp:image-width image) (gp:image-height image)) (gp:draw-image pane image 0 0))))) =======================================