Initial focus in a dialog box
I have a dialog defined as follows: ------ (capi:define-interface dialog-1 () () (:panes (pane-1 capi:radio-button-panel :layout-class 'capi:column-layout :title "Buttons" :items '("Item 1" "Item 2")) (buttons capi:push-button-panel :accessor dialog-1-buttons :items '("OK" "Cancel") :layout-args '(:x-uniform-size-p t) :callback-type :interface :callbacks '(capi:exit-dialog capi:abort-dialog))) (:layouts (main-layout capi:column-layout '(pane-1 buttons) :x-adjust :centre)) (:default-initargs :layout 'main-layout)) (capi:display-dialog (make-instance 'dialog-1)) ------ That works fine, but now I want the "OK" button to have the initial focus. If add the following to the default initargs ... :create-callback #'(lambda (interface) (capi:set-pane-focus (first (capi:layout-description (capi:pane-layout (dialog-1-buttons interface)))))) .... then things are as I want. But is there a simpler way? I tried defining the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons separately and using :INITIAL-FOCUS in the interface's default initargs. That works, but the "OK" button is smaller than the "Cancel" button and I couldn't find a way to get the buttons to be the same size. Simon