Possible stack limit in LispWorks Personal with regards to C callbacks to Lisp?
I'm getting the following error from Lispworks: 0: CONDITIONS::CONDITIONS-ERROR (:INVISIBLEP T "** Processor Fault #x~X at #x~X~@[ (~s)~]." (3221225725 24570807 NIL)) 1: IO::FAULT-HANDLER-AUX (#<Raw value #x0176EBB7 (24570807)> #<Raw value #xC00000FD (3221225725)>) 2: (SUBFUNCTION SYSTEM::|%FOREIGN-CALLABLE/fault_handler_on_c_stack_aux| (FLI: DEFINE-FOREIGN-CALLABLE "fault_handler_on_c_stack_aux")) (#<Raw value #x016131CC (23146956)>) 3: SYSTEM::%FUNCALL1-ON-LISP-STACK NIL 4: FLI::FOREIGN-CALLABLE-ENTRY-POINT-AUX-NESTED NIL 5: ODE::D-WORLD-STEP (#<Pointer: ODE::D-WORLD-ID = #x00B00AF0> 0.03) Immediately after the call to (D-WORLD-STEP), the C library performs several hundred callbacks into the Lisp process (object collision calculations). When there are no more collisions the callbacks cease and the Lisp process continues. Is there a limitation in Lispworks personal that will cause several hundred (or thousand) sequential callbacks to fail? Will Lispworks perform garbage collection in a callback? I'm trying to track this down. Thanks, -Luke