:DEFAULT-P vs. focus
If I create a dialog like below, the ESC and RETURN keys cease to work as expected although :DEFAULT-P and :CANCEL-P are used. This is obviously due to setting the focus to the pinboard layout. Is there a way to code around this? Thanks, Edi. (defun foo () (let* ((pinboard (make-instance 'capi:pinboard-layout)) (ok-button (make-instance 'capi:push-button :default-p t :text "OK" :callback-type :none :callback (lambda () (capi:exit-dialog :ok)))) (cancel-button (make-instance 'capi:push-button :cancel-p t :text "Cancel" :callback #'capi:abort-dialog)) (layout (make-instance 'capi:row-layout :description (list pinboard ok-button cancel-button))) (dialog (make-instance 'capi:interface :title "Test" :layout layout :create-callback (lambda (interface) (declare (ignore interface)) (capi:set-pane-focus pinboard))))) (capi:display-dialog dialog)))