Using fonts other than Monaco in OS X IDE (or in Capi in general)
Dear all, I am using the latest patch of Lispworks Professional for OS X. I have had this problem since the previous version (when I bought the program), but this is still occurring in the current version. I wonder if it is just me who is having this problem or is this a known problem through out the Lispworks community. Basically, when I go into Window -> Window Preferences and try to change fonts, I get very funny behavior if I try to choose a font that is not Monaco. Either: 1) the font gets reverted to Monaco, both on the menu and the font actually being used 2) the preference menu says I am using the font I choose, but the font actually used is still Monaco 3) the font size is changed to a decimal number (e.g., 11.7, 10.6) 4) the IDE actually manages to display the font I choose (that is not Monaco), but I get screen artifacts all over when I move the text cursor around. I am also wondering if this is specific to the IDE or Capi general faces this same problem. Thank you, Dr. Atip Asvanund