Debug Assertion Failed! Lispworks crashes
I am receiving the following "Miscrosoft Visual C++ Debug Library" error from Lispworks, the second time my application runs. Can anyone describe in what situations this error is generated. It may help in my debugging. Thanks, -Luke ----- Debug Assertion Failed! <path to Lisworks> File: dbgheap.c Line: 1044 Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) <Abort> <Retry> <Ignore> ----- - Selecting abort will crash Lispworks. - This is the backtrace from <Retry> Error: ** Processor Fault #x80000003 at #x10213A28. 1 (abort) Return to level 0. 2 Return to top loop level 0. :b Call to IO::FAULT-HANDLER-AUX Call to FLI::FOREIGN-CALLABLE-ENTRY-POINT-AUX-NESTED Call to RM::RM-FINISH Interpreted call to RM-PNTCLD Call to SPECIAL::%EVAL-NOHOOK Call to IV:PROCESS-TOP-LEVEL Call to CAPI::CAPI-TOP-LEVEL-FUNCTION Call to CAPI::INTERACTIVE-PANE-TOP-LOOP Call to (SUBFUNCTION MP::PROCESS-SG-FUNCTION MP::INITIALIZE-PROCESS-STACK)