Hi, When a popup-menu appear, it cans appear down or up, right or left the x-y values specified on the display-popup-menu function, depending of the size of the menu, the pane¹s position and the proximity of the screen boundaries. If a popup-menu appears when a image button is clicked, if the point is (:x 0 :y 0) (relative to the image coordinates) the menu will cover the button if it pulls down/right the point, witch is the "normal" behavior. But if it pulls up/right, down/left or up/left it won¹t, so the x and/or y values have to be incremented to keep the menu over the button. For instance (:x 0 :y image-height) when up/right or (:x image-width :y 0) when down/left, etc. To do this, it's necessary to know how the menu will appear : is it a method to predicate witch corner of the menu will correspond to the x-y values specified ? Otherwise is it possible to get the menu dimensions (and then calculate the predicate) ? Thank's Denis ---------------------------------------------------- Denis Pousseur 6 clos du Drossart 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique Mail : denis.pousseur@compositeurs.be Website : http://compositeurs.be ----------------------------------------------------