SSL and delivery
[LWW 4.4.5, WinXP pro SP2, OpenSSL 0.9.8 from the source described in the LispWorks User Guide.] Consider the following simple delivery script (function FOO is basically the example from the reference entry for OPEN-TCP-STREAM): (require "comm") (defun foo (hostname) (with-open-stream (http (comm:open-tcp-stream hostname 443 :ssl-ctx t)) (format http "GET / HTTP/1.0~C~C~C~C" (code-char 13) (code-char 10) (code-char 13) (code-char 10)) (force-output http) (format t "Waiting for reply") (loop for ch = (read-char-no-hang http nil :eof) until ch do (write-char #\.) (force-output) (sleep 0.25) finally (unless (eq ch :eof) (unread-char ch http))) (format t "~%~%") (loop for line = (read-line http nil nil) while line do (write-line line)))) (compile 'foo) (defun main () (format t "Connecting...~%") (foo "") (format t "Done. Waiting for 5 seconds.~%") (sleep 5) (quit)) (compile 'main) (deliver 'main "Foo" 0 :interface :capi :console t) If I deliver an application Foo.exe with this script a console window pops up, I see "Connecting", then the response from the website (a 302 redirect), then "Done", and finally it quits after five seconds - as expected. If I, however, deliver without the :INTERFACE :CAPI keyword argument I only see "Connecting" at which point the application hangs and CPU usage goes up to almost 100%. Is this expected behaviour or a bug? Thanks, Edi.