Lispworks application Start bar behaviour
Hi, I've made a Lispworks application that works ok, but I'm not happy how the application behaves in the Windows Start bar: When the Lispworks application on the Start bar is clicked it pops up a listing of windows that are currently open. I would prefer if the application and all its open windows would zoom out (like quite many Window applications do). Also, if you now click again the application on the Start bar, the application and its windows should all be zoomed back. So, how can I cancel Lispworks application on the Start bar for not popping up the open windows, and instead make it call (defun hide-my-stuff () (dolist (x (capi:collect-interfaces 'my-windows) (hide-interface x t))) And when the Lispworks application on the Start bar is clicked again, it should call (defun show-my-stuff () (dolist (x (capi:collect-interfaces 'my-windows) (show-interface x))) Pekka