RE: Passing lisp vector to foreign code
Sorry, I should mention that the ffi definition for get_bytes is
(get-bytes "get_bytes" :source)
((db db)
(nbytes (:reference-return :int)))
:result-type (:pointer (:unsigned :char))
:lambda-list (db &aux nbytes)
:calling-convention :cdecl)
-----Original Message-----
From: Young, David []
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 10:38 AM
To: 'Martin Simmons'
Subject: RE: Passing lisp vector to foreign code
However, I got a suggestion to look at fli:replace-foreign-array. The
following code gives me this error:
Error: Attempting to get address of non string or signed-byte/unsigned-byte
1 (abort) Return to level 0.
2 Return to top loop level 0.
Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other
Here's the revised code:
(defmethod fill-stream-buffer ((self binary-input-stream) db)
(with-slots ((buf buffer)
(len bufsiz)) self
(multiple-value-bind (bytes nbytes)
(get-bytes db)
(let ((buf (make-array nbytes)))
(fli:replace-foreign-array buf bytes)
(setf len nbytes)))))
I've also tried (make-array nbytes :element-type 'unsigned-byte).
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Simmons []
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: Passing lisp vector to foreign code
>>>>> On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 13:15:16 -0400, "Young, David"
<> said:
dey> Thanks. Here's how I got it working:
dey> Outbound:
dey> (let ((buf (output-buffer self))
dey> (bufsiz (buffer-size self)))
dey> (fli:with-dynamic-foreign-objects ()
dey> (let ((vector (fli:allocate-dynamic-foreign-object :type
dey> (:unsigned :char) ,bufsiz))))
dey> (dotimes (i bufsiz)
dey> (setf (fli:foreign-aref vector i) (aref buf i)))
dey> (put-bytes db vector bufsiz)
dey> Inbound:
dey> with-slots ((buf buffer)
dey> (len bufsiz)) self
dey> (multiple-value-bind (bytes nbytes)
dey> (get-bytes db)
dey> (let ((contents (loop for i from 0 below nbytes collect
dey> bytes :index i))))
dey> (setf buf (make-array nbytes :initial-contents contents))
dey> (setf len (length buf)))))
dey> Look reasonable?
What allocates the memory returned by get-bytes and should something free
Martin Simmons Email:
LispWorks Ltd, St John's Innovation Centre TEL: +44 1223 421860
Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS, England. FAX: +44 870 2206189
dey> -----Original Message-----
dey> From: Martin Simmons []
dey> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 1:10 PM
dey> To:
dey> Cc:
dey> Subject: Re: Passing lisp vector to foreign code
>>>>> On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 11:26:44 -0400, "Young, David"
dey> <> said:
dey> So, I have a binary stream class that collects bytes into a buffer
dey> represented by a vector with a fill pointer. I want to take this
dey> buffer and
dey> send it to a C function, which stores it in a "database". Later, I
dey> want to
dey> retrieve this data via another binary stream class (we're
dey> experimenting with
dey> CL-STORE). Using the lw ffi, how do I set this up? It seems from the
dey> docs
dey> that I need to make a copy of the buffer in static space prior to
dey> sending it
dey> to C; is that correct? What should the ffi function declarations look
dey> like?
dey> Currently, I have:
dey> (fli:define-foreign-function
dey> (put-bytes "put_bytes" :source)
dey> ((bytes (:c-array (:unsigned :char)))
dey> (len :int))
dey> :result-type :void
dey> :calling-convention :cdecl)
dey> (fli:define-foreign-function
dey> (get-bytes "get_bytes" :source)
dey> ((nbytes (:pointer (:int))))
dey> :result-type (:c-array (:unsigned :char))
dey> :calling-convention :cdecl)
dey> But, passing a Lisp vector to PUT-BYTES yields a type error:
dey> Expecting type (:foreign-array (:UNSIGNED :CHAR) (0)) (got #(76
dey> ...))
dey> so clearly I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for the help.
dey> There are two kinds of static array: Lisp and foreign. The :C-ARRAY
dey> type needs a foreign array object (e.g. created with
dey> FLI:ALLOCATE-FOREIGN-OBJECT). See also the :LISP-ARRAY foreign type
if you
dey> want to pass a static Lisp array pointer directly to C.
dey> --
dey> Martin Simmons Email:
dey> LispWorks Ltd, St John's Innovation Centre TEL: +44 1223 421860
dey> Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS, England. FAX: +44 870 2206189
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