Keyboard interaction with LIST-PANEL
Hi! In a standard CAPI:LIST-PANEL like this one (from the CAPI Reference Manual) (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(:red :blue :green) :selected-item :blue :print-function 'string-capitalize)) I can select items by pressing the key that corresponds to their first character, i.e. if I press the "g" key it selects the "Green" item. I notice this works on Windows but not with Linux/Motif. Also, if I inspect the list panel I see that it's embedded in a simple pinboard layout but the input model of this layout is NIL. (There's an internal CAPI::EVENT-HANDLERS slot but it seems unrelated.) So, am I right to assume that I can't "hook" into this keyboard interaction because it's a feature provided by the underlying Win32 widget? I was hoping that I could somehow trap some keystrokes and trigger certain events. Thanks, Edi. PS: Note to LispWorks: In the Linux/Motif version of the example above the "Red" item isn't shown initially, i.e. the panel is scrolled so that the selected item is the first one which is displayed. This is a bit unfortunate because it's a waste of space - the widget is big enough to show all three items.