Fuzzy Completion (originally from SLIME) for LW Editor
Hello lispworkers, I've taken the liberty (with code author Brian Downing permission) to copy out SLIME/swank fuzzy completion code in a independant file, in order to use it from within LW Editor, and built a quick interface over it. The completion code and its LW Editor interface you can find in the attached tgz file. The screenshot shows the graphical dialog, with the different possibilities after `defcon' has been typed and fc invoked What does it ? ---------------- It allows you to type only abbreviations in place of long symbols, press a keychord, and have it fully expanded. In case the supplied abbreviation is not sufficiently discriminating, you are presented a little CAPI dialog, where you can select the symbol you had in mind. Examples ------------ you type : (mvb <magic keychord> -> (multiple-value-bind (wifs <magic keychord> -> (with-input-from-string (vpe <magic keychord> -> (vector-push-extend but when you type : (defcon, -- meaning define-condition -- <magic keychord>, defcon is ambiguous, so you get a dialog where you have to select it. How to use it ? ----------------- 1) compile fuzzy-completion.lisp 2) Adjust the path in the require statement at the beginning of fc-editor-interface.lisp and the editor keybinding at the end (default Super-Tab) to your liking 3) Load fc-editor-interface.lisp Made and tested in LW Linux Personal v. 4.3.7 Any comments/suggestions appreciated... Happy completion :-) Stéphane Perrot