quit-interface in XP
Hello, We have been porting our software from LWM 4.4 to LWW 4.4. When calling the following method: (defmethod window-close((self t)) (capi:execute-with-interface self #'(lambda (intface force) (capi:quit-interface intface :force force)) self *force-quit-interface*)) we occasionally (most of the time this works OK though) get the following error in XP (in Mac this error never occurs): Condition: Throwing out (MP::PROCESS-TAG (:KILL)) when not in message-loop Call to WIN32::WND-PROC (offset 510) WIN32:HWND : #<Raw value #x000C01EA (786922)> WIN32::WMSG : #<Raw value #x00000002 (2)> WIN32:WPARAM : #<Raw value #x00000000 (0)> WIN32:LPARAM : #<Raw value #x00000000 (0)> WIN32::DEFPROC : WIN32::DEF-WINDOW-PROC$RAW Call to (SUBFUNCTION WIN32::|%FOREIGN-CALLABLE/wnd_proc_callback| (FLI:DEFINE-FOREIGN-CALLABLE "wnd_proc_callback")) (offset 68) FLI::%FOREIGN-CALL-STACK% : #<Raw value #x1EEAFBE4 (518716388)> Call to %FUNCALL1-ON-LISP-STACK (offset 34) Call to FLI::FOREIGN-CALLABLE-ENTRY-POINT-AUX-NESTED (offset 106) Call to WIN32:DESTROY-WINDOW (offset 94) WIN32::H-WND : 655854 Binding frame: CLOS::*NEXT-METHODS* : NIL Call to Anonymous compiled function #<function 203CFCC2> (offset 75) Binding frame: CLOS::*NEXT-METHODS* : (#<function (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI::BASIC-ELEMENT)) 20F12E42>) Call to Anonymous compiled function #<function 203CF4F2> (offset 50) Call to (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI:SIMPLE-PANE)) (offset 75) CAPI::SELF : #<PWGL-FUNCTION-EDITOR-WINDOW "2D-Editor1" 21F88E04> Binding frame: CLOS::*NEXT-METHODS* : (#<function (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI:SIMPLE-PANE)) 20EFC352> #<function (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI::BASIC-ELEMENT)) 20F12E42>) Call to CLOS::NEXT-METHOD-CALL-1 (offset 68) CONS : (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI:INTERFACE)) CLOS::NEXT-METHODS : (#<function (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI:SIMPLE-PANE)) 20EFC352> #<function (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI::BASIC-ELEMENT)) 20F12E42>) DBG::G0 : #<PWGL-FUNCTION-EDITOR-WINDOW "2D-Editor1" 21F88E04> Catch frame: #<unbound> Call to (METHOD CAPI:DESTROY (CAPI:INTERFACE)) (offset 63) CAPI::SELF : #<PWGL-FUNCTION-EDITOR-WINDOW "2D-Editor1" 21F88E04> Binding frame: CLOS::*NEXT-METHODS* : NIL Call to Anonymous compiled function #<function 203822F2> (offset 73) Call to CAPI:QUIT-INTERFACE (offset 93) CAPI::PANE : #<PWGL-FUNCTION-EDITOR-WINDOW "2D-Editor1" 21F88E04> CAPI::FORCE : T Call to (SUBFUNCTION 1 (METHOD WINDOW-CLOSE (T))) (offset 31) INTFACE : #<PWGL-FUNCTION-EDITOR-WINDOW "2D-Editor1" 21F88E04> FORCE : T Mikael