Problems with cl-typesetting
Sorry my bothering you. I am heavy puzzled by using
russian fonts in cl-typesetting.
I've just typed russian letters to one of strings in
test.lisp's HELLO function, but GET-CHAR-SIZE function in cl-pdf's
font.lisp called from MAKE-CHAR-BOX function in typo.lisp says that it cannot
violate array bounds (character code is > 255):
;; (let* ((char (aref (characters font)
(force-char-code char-or-code)))
So I write function that convert unicode string to cp-1251
code page and wrap string in it. So hello.pdf generated fine, but russian text
was invisible. I tried to use all encodings from encodings.lisp in cl-pdf with
no effect. I converted Arial.ttf to Arial.afm by ttf2afm.exe utility from
Cygnus. The hello.pdf generated silently but Acrobat Reader said that Arial had
bad \bbox or so. I've already spent many hours trying to solve this puzzle,
looks like I need good advice from somebody more experienced
Thanks in advance