Odd graph layout with pinboard objects of different height
Hello lispworkers, Please estimate the following graph: (defun node-children (node) (when (< node 16) (list (* node 2) (1+ (* node 2))))) (defun node-pane (graph node) (if (< node 16) (make-instance 'capi:expandable-item-pinboard-object :data node :visible-min-height 32 :graphics-args (list :font (gp:find-best-font graph (gp:make-font-description :size 16)))) (make-instance 'capi:item-pinboard-object :data node))) (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:graph-pane :roots '(1) :children-function 'node-children :node-pane-function 'node-pane :edge-pinboard-class 'capi:right-angle-line-pinboard-object :layout-function :right-left)) In my view, the leaves look displaced vertically relative to their parents. The :edge-pinboard-class and :layout-function initargs are given for emphasizing the effect - the graph looks odd even with default values. Is this by design? -- Sincerely, Dmitriy Ivanov lisp.ystok.ru