Hello, I am using a small status window to display some information of the system such as CPU-usage, time, etc. This window should be always the front-most window, and should never be selected by the user and should never receive keyboard events. I tried the following: (capi:define-interface synth-status-window () () (:panes (text1 synth-text-display :reader text1)) (:default-initargs :window-styles '( :borderless :always-on-top :movable-by-window-background) :best-x 0 :best-y 0 :width 220 :title (format () "Synth RT Status"))) This works otherwise fine, but currently the user is able to select the status window and after this the keyboard events are delegated to the status window, and not anymore to the main window that is just behind the status window. Is there a way to avoid this situation where the status window can be selected? Mikael