:callback is not invoked for capi:text-input-choice in LWW4.4
Hello lispworkers, IIRC the value of the :callback initarg for text-input-choice worked fine in LWW4.3. But it does not invoked on pressing the Enter key in LWW4.4. Is this by design? To verify, please eliminate the push-button called "inverted" from the interface text-input-choice-test in examples/capi/choice/text-input-choice.lisp. (capi:define-interface text-input-choice-test () () (:panes (input-string capi:text-input-choice :reader input-string-pane :title "String:" :selection-callback 'text-input-choice-show-string :callback 'text-input-choice-new-string :popup-callback 'text-input-choice-popping-up) (output-string capi:display-pane :reader output-string-pane :title "Inverted:" :title-position :left :visible-max-width nil) #|(invert capi:push-button :reader invert-pane :text "Invert" :default-p t :selection-callback 'text-input-choice-invert :callback-type :interface)|# (random capi:check-button :text "Random" :reader random-pane :selected t)) (:layouts (default-layout capi:column-layout '((capi:row-layout (input-string ;invert random) :adjust :center) output-string))) (:default-initargs :title "Text Input Choice Test" :best-width 500)) ....and so on. -- Sincerely, Dmitri Ivanov lisp.ystok.ru