CAPI: check-button-panel with scroll bar and white background
Hi, I want to create a check-button-panel with a vertical scroll bar, because there are too many check-buttons to fit on the screen. So I do something like: (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:check-button-panel :title "Test" :items (loop for i below 100 collect (format nil "~R" i)) :layout-class 'capi:column-layout :min-width 600 :visible-min-height 250 :vertical-scroll t)) This works fine, except that I need a white background for the panel, because that looks much better in the dialog box where I'm using this. So I add a :background argument: (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:check-button-panel :title "Test" :items (loop for i below 100 collect (format nil "~R" i)) :layout-class 'capi:column-layout :background :white :min-width 600 :visible-min-height 250 :vertical-scroll t)) This seems to work too, except for one thing: I get garbage pixels when I scroll through the items. This does not happen with the default (gray) background. Is this a CAPI bug, or is there some other way to get a white background in this case? Thanks in advance, Arthur Lemmens (This is on LWW 4.3.7, Windows XP)