Re: Continuing grief with editor-pane in LWM [SOLVED]
I reported this as a bug, and Martin Simmons of LispWorks support got
back to me with the cause of the problem: the editor-pane has a default
resize-callback that must be called. I tried defining an
INITIALIZE-INSTANCE method on my interface, but this seems to be too
early for this to work (the editor pane slot was not defined yet). As
it happens, I use a single function to create the interface, so I added
the following code there, and it works.
(let ((default-resize-callback (output-pane-resize-callback (editor
(labels ((extended-editor-resize (ed x y w h)
(apply default-resize-callback (list ed x y w h))
(let* ((fw (system::ed-font-width ed))
(pw (system::ed-pane-width ed))
(cw (truncate (/ pw fw)))
(ff (- cw 2))
#+nil(text (editor-pane-text ed)))
(setf (editor-pane-fixed-fill ed) ff))))
(setf (output-pane-resize-callback (editor window))
So that's solved.
Now. What this bit of code does is calculate how many characters fit on
a line in the editor and set the fixed-fill accordingly. It works. It
does seem to me that there should be an easier way to do this though.
On Dec 2, 2004, at 10:43 AM, Bob Hutchison wrote:
> Hi,
> I've attached a bit of code that does the following:
> -- creates a new interface called 'toy' that has a list and an editor
> pane
> -- the list has a call back that changes the text in the editor
> -- exports a function called play:toy that runs the interface
> There is a function called 'toy-redisplay' that redisplays the editor
> in its own thread using the technique from
> <
> 51fe6e1cdfe748a180256639005a2ba9/12e133730edbe13980256ea9004e2448?
> OpenDocument>
> There is a function called 'add-text' that adds an item to the list,
> selects it and sets the editor text.
> There is a function called 'play' that adds four items and displays
> everything.
> When I run it (i.e. (toy:play) selecting items in the card list will
> update the text in the editor-pane. This is how I expect it to work.
> If you uncomment the resize-callback for the editor, recompile and
> run, it stops working, but in a very strange way: The editor pane is
> not updated but the underlying buffer *is* updated (change tabs in the
> IDE's editor and select the toy buffer and watch it change as you
> click in the list). NOTE the resize callback has not been called,
> though if you do resize the window it will be.
> Any help would be appreciated. What happens on other platforms?
> Cheers,
> Bob
> (defpackage toy
> (:add-use-defaults t)
> (:use
> common-lisp
> capi)
> (:export
> #:play))
> (in-package toy)
> (defun toy-redisplay (ed)
> (format t "redisplay ~A~%" ed)
> (when ed
> (let ((window (editor-window ed)))
> (if window
> (editor:process-character `(editor:redisplay ,ed) window)
> (format t "no window for editor")))))
> (define-interface toy ()
> ()
> (:panes
> (texts list-panel
> :accessor texts
> :items nil
> :visible-min-height '(character 10)
> :print-function #'(lambda (data) (string-capitalize (car
> data)))
> :selection-callback #'(lambda (data interface)
> (let ((ed (editor interface))
> (text (cadr data)))
> ;(modify-editor-pane-buffer ed
> :contents text)
> ;(setf (editor-pane-text ed) text)
> (setf (editor-pane-text ed)
> (coerce text 'simple-text-string))
> (toy-redisplay ed))))
> (editor editor-pane
> :accessor editor
> :buffer-name "the-toy-buffer"
> :font (gp:find-best-font (capi:convert-to-screen)
> (gp:make-font-description :family
> "Monaco"
> :size
> 14))
> :text "Resizable"
> :visible-min-height '(:character 10)
> :visible-min-width '(:character 10)
> #|
> ; if this is uncommented the toy will break
> :resize-callback #'(lambda (ed x y w h)
> (declare (ignore x) (ignore y) (ignore
> w) (ignore h))
> #+nil(let* ((fw (system::ed-font-width
> ed))
> (pw (system::ed-pane-width ed))
> (cw (truncate (/ pw fw)))
> (ff (- cw 2))
> (text (editor-pane-text ed)))
> (format t "#chars wide: ~A, text
> length: ~A ~%"
> ff (length text))))
> |#
> ))
> (:layouts
> (the-layout row-layout '(texts editor)
> :reader the-layout
> :ratios '(1 4)))
> (:default-initargs
> :title "toy"
> :layout 'the-layout
> :best-width 600
> :best-height 400))
> (defun add-text (name text toy)
> (format t "add-text name: ~A, text ~A ~%" name text)
> (let* ((texts-list (texts toy))
> (texts (collection-items texts-list))
> (new-index (length texts))
> (new-texts (adjust-array texts (+ 1 new-index)))
> (item (list name text))
> (ed (editor toy)))
> (setf (aref new-texts new-index) item)
> (setf (collection-items texts-list) new-texts)
> (setf (choice-selected-item texts-list) item)
> (modify-editor-pane-buffer ed :contents text)))
> (defun play ()
> (let ((toy (make-instance 'toy)))
> (add-text "one" "one one one" toy)
> (add-text "two" "two two two" toy)
> (add-text "three" "three three three" toy)
> (add-text "four" "four four four" toy)
> (display toy)))
Bob Hutchison -- blogs at <>
Recursive Design Inc. -- <>