LW doesn't find functions defined with __stdcall
Hi! This question probably shows my complete ignorance of Win32/C/linker issues but here goes: I'm trying to use the pre-compiled GD library which is available at <http://www.boutell.com/gd/http/gdwin32.zip> from LW. The problem is that the functions in this library are declared as __stdcall and LispWorks' FLI doesn't find them - I get messages like "trying to call to unresolved external function..." If I look at the exported symbols of this DLL with a tool like PE Explorer from <http://www.heaventools.com/> I see function names like "gdImageArc@32" instead of "gdImageArc." This is in compliance with the documentation about calling conventions and "decorated names" that comes with Visual Studio. Now I had expected that LW would be able to resolve these decorated names but it seems it isn't. It also doesn't help if I use the decorated name instead of the plain name with DEFINE-FOREIGN-FUNCTION. And changing the keyword argument :CALLING-CONVENTION also doesn't make a difference. Hmmm.... Is there a way to interface with this DLL from LispWorks? Thanks, Edi.