Hi! I'm trying to port my "Regex Coach" app[1] to Mac OS X. This basically looked like a no-brainer but there's a serious timing problem related to CAPI display updates. I searched around in the knowledgebase and in old mailing list articles and I'm pretty sure this is the kind of problem that has to be tackled with EDITOR:PROCESS-CHARACTER however I fail to understand how this function should be applied properly. I have specialized editor panes that are basically defined like this: (defclass editor-pane* (editor-pane)) (defclass regex-editor-pane (editor-pane*) ()) (defmethod capi:call-editor :after ((pane regex-editor-pane) command) (declare (ignore command)) (ignore-errors (regex-editor-after-callback pane))) In the REGEX-EDITOR-AFTER-CALLBACK function I call X-HIGHLIGHT-WITH-FACE which is based on a function I once got from Xanalys support: (defun x-highlight-with-face (pane start-index end-index face) (let ((buffer (capi:editor-pane-buffer pane))) (editor::buffer-save-excursion (buffer) (editor:with-point ((start (editor:buffers-start buffer)) (end (editor:buffers-start buffer))) (editor:increment-point start start-index) (editor:increment-point end end-index) (cond (face (editor::push-region-face face start end)) (t (editor:remove-text-properties start end (list 'editor::face t))))))))) If I run this code (which works fine on Windows and Linux) unmodified on OS X the editor panes only get updated with a delay of one key pressed, i.e. the editor faces always reflect the state /before/ the last key was pressed. Now, where exactly do I use EDITOR:PROCESS-CHARACTER here? I tried to wrap it around the whole BUFFER-SAVE-EXCURSION form but that didn't do it. Then I wrapped it around PUSH-REGION-FACE and REMOVE-TEXT-PROPERTIES respectively but that didn't help either. Hmmm... Thanks in advance, Edi. [1] <>