Re: LWM and LWW
> > LW's backquote implementation (mis)uses apply, so you can't read certain
> > backquoted expressions in LWW.
>Could you show us an example of that? I didn't know that the LispWorks
>backquote implementation uses (or misuses) APPLY.
> > 256 is a pretty low limit for backquote...
> >
> > At 10/6/2004 04:36 AM, Espen Vestre wrote:
> > >Mikael Laurson <> writes:
> > >
> > > > for our purposes). We can of course rewrite our code but occasionally
> > > > the 'apply'
> > > > function is very handy. For me the LW limit seems to be very low.
> > >
> > >Coming from MCL (and Allegro), I was disturbed too the first time I
> > >encountered this, but I think it actually has helped me write better
> > >code: E.g. using (apply #'+ pretty-random-list-of-numbers) is bad
> > >style except maybe if the length of the number list has a very hard
> > >and very low length limit. For more or less random lists, it's much
> > >better to use (reduce #'+ pretty-random-list-of-numbers). Likewise,
> > >(reduce #'append ...) is better style than (apply #'append ...).
> > >
> > >The only case I can think of where the low call arg limit would be
> > >really disturbing, is a function that would take, say, 150 different
> > >keyword arguments (I haven't actually seen such functions :-)).
>Further, Chris Reisbeck has pointed out (in mail that did not reach
>the list) that the Common Lisp standard only guarantees 50 as the
>minimum for CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT, so counting on anything more means
>you're writing non-portable code.
>Nonetheless we will investigate raising the value of
>CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT for a future LispWorks release.
OK, thanks for this information. We should have no problems porting our code
using 'reduce', etc.