Oracle BLOBs with Common SQL
Recently I have been working a bit with Common SQL (+ LispWorks 4.3.7
on Windows 2000, ODBC driver) and unfortunately I have to use Oracle
BLOBs for one of our applications.
BLOBs don't seem to be officially supported, but they paritally work.
So if I define the following table:
create table test (
id number(10) primary key,
data blob
and insert some data with another tool I can next read the inserted BLOBs:
(setf rows (with-connection *db-conn-spec*
(select [id] [data] :from [test])))
The BLOB column is read as:
I can also insert some strings into the column:
(with-connection *db-conn-spec*
(insert-records :into [test]
:attributes '(id data)
:values '(1 "simple string")))
but if the string contains null character (of code 0) then it is truncated :-(
If I try to insert a vector of unsigned-bytes:
(setf v (make-array 5 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
; v --> #(72 101 108 108 111 33)
I get the following error coming from sql::execute-with-sqlbindparameter:
CL-USER 46 > (with-connection *db-conn-spec*
(insert-records :into [test]
:attributes '(id data)
:values '(1 v)))
Error: Failed to allocate foreign object of size 2147483648 [allocator NIL]
1 (abort) Return to level 0.
2 Return to top loop level 0.
And that's all I can get. Do you have any further ideas / experiences with
registration of BLOB?
Kind regards,
Jarosław Tomczak, Ph.D.
Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH
DI&A Lead Generation Chemoinformatics
Industriepark Hoechst, H840, room 114
D-65926 Frankfurt / Main
phone: +49 (69) 305-14710
fax: +49 (69) 305-13068