Lispworks POP interface
I'm writing a Lispworks email indexing application which needs to download email from a POP server. Has anybody already written a Lispworks interface to POP? I've looked at the open source Allegro file which interfaces Allegro 6.2 to POP. Has anybody already tried to convert to a Lispworks version? calls: (socket:make-socket :remote-host host :remote-port port) and calls: (send-command-get-results socket command-string untagged-response-function check-for-success-function) The above might have to be replace by Lispworks calls like: (with-open-stream (x (comm:open-tcp-stream host port :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (write-sequence command-string x) (force-output x) (let ((response (make-array 20 :element-type 'base-char))) (values (read-sequence response x) res)))