On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:06:59 +0200, "Marc Battyani" <> wrote:
> It's generally considered a bad thing to leave the release/cleanup
> of resources to finalizers (special-free-actions) because you don't
> control when they are freed. They could have been promoted to a
> higher GC generation pool for instance. Also they could be freed
> very late. For instance if you allocate lots of short lived objects,
> you could potentially allocate a lot of them before they are freed
> hence exausting your resources. It's especially true for external
> resources. The lisp image does not know that some resource is going
> low and that it should trigger a GC.
> This does not mean it's not useful but more as a safety measure than
> a standard use.
> IIRC this have been discussed several times in c.l.l. Do a search
> for finalizers for instance.
Yes, now that you say it I remember these discussions. In my current
situation this point seems to be moot, though. I'm dealing with
objects returned from a C++ application which are supposed to be freed
(with 'delete') by the caller when they're no longer needed. Only the
Lisp side knows when they're no longer needed - precisely, only the
Lisp garbage collector knows - so I think there's no other way than to
use Lisp finalizers.
But I was mainly taking issue with the remark about saving images
(which I'm not planning to do anyway). I'd expect the user to run a
full GC before saving an image so all finalizers should have a chance
to run. In fact, this seems to be the default behaviour on
Lispworks[1] and, say, CMUCL. If the user prevents the GC from running
before he saves an image he should know what he's doing.
[1] Well, OK, the docs say that "there is a garbage collection before
the image is saved," they don't say whether it's a full one,
i.e. if all generations are affected.