defmacro lambda lists, function arglist
How can I get Lispworks to remember the lambda lists of defmacros? For instance, if I run "Function Arglist" on when-let (in package cl, of course) I get "The lambda list of the macro When-Let is ((Variable Form) &Body Body)" in the minibuffer. Wonderful. Say I was to define if-let: (defmacro if-let ((var form) if-stmt else-stmt) "like when-let, but with an else clause" `(let ((,var ,form)) (if ,var ,if-stmt ,else-stmt))) now, "Function Arglist" on if-let "The lambda list of the macro If-Let is (%%Macroarg%% &Environment6149)" which is nowhere near as useful... How can I preserve this information? It sticks around for normal functions and method.. In MCL is was as simple as (setf ccl:*save-local-symbols* t) in the initialization file.. What do I need to do for Lispworks? ===================== Joshua Taylor