Web Browser, Motif/Cocoa
Hi there, I use both the Motif and Cocoa interfaces on my Mac, and also use the manuals. When trying to use the Motif interface and bring up a manual, I got the error messages associated with not having the unix browsers. I'd like to get that working, but more importantly to me at the moment, is that now the manual interface is broken in the Cocoa interface. When I try to get a manual, I get an error stating that "Hqn-Web::Unix-Browser is not the name of a class" I can manually select "Choose akternate Darwin-Ic-Browser." and then everything proceeds just fine. Unfortunately, "Browser Preferences" (which is under Help, by the way, and not Preferences, or Global Preferences...) is greyed out on the Cocoa interface, and Darwin-Ic-Browser isn't one of the options in the Motif interface. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? -- ===================== Joshua Taylor tayloj@rpi.edu