a bug in compile-file?
Hi (in-package :cl-user) (let ((foo 42)) (defun double-foo () (* 2 foo)) (let ((bar 21)) (defun test () (print (+ (double-foo) bar))) ) ) When compiled using compile-file on Lispworks personal 4.3.6 on Linux or windows, as well as when compiled using the same lispworks from within slime, the compiler emits the following warning: The following function is undefined: DOUBLE-FOO which is referenced by (TOP-LEVEL-FORM 3) yet the double-foo function can be called after the compiled file is loaded and it gives the correct return value, so the bindings seems to be created correctly. When the same code is compiled using the "compile buffer" menu entry or icon in the LispWorks GUI, the compiler _does_not _ provide this warning? btw. as expected cmucl 18e, sbcl 0.8.11 and clisp 2.30 does not give a warning. Kristian