Graph pane sampe with capi:right-angle-line-pinboard-object
Hello lispworkers, I would like to specify :type :vertical-first for all right-angle-line-pinboard-object's in the following CAPI sample reminding of the one supplied with LWW 4.3: (defun node-children (node) (when (< node 16) (list (* node 2) (1+ (* node 2))))) (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:graph-pane :roots '(1) :children-function 'node-children :y-adjust :top :edge-pinboard-class 'capi:right-angle-line-pinboard-object) :best-width 300 :best-height 400) The resulting graph alternates edges among types :vertical-first and :horizontal-first. So I have altered the code like this: (capi:contain g (make-instance 'capi:graph-pane :roots '(1) :children-function 'node-children :y-adjust :top :edge-pane-function (lambda (graph from to) (make-instance 'capi:right-angle-line-pinboard-object :type :vertical-first))) :best-width 300 :best-height 400) Nothing has changed. The grapher seems to create its own edges instead the ones I am generating manually. Any takers? -- Sincerely, Dmitri Ivanov