RE: CAPI problem: Howto ...
Hi Dmitri,
thanks for your answer. Please find my comments below.
>| I can imagine two possible solutions:
>| 1. Redirecting the click event. Then the button will never see the
>| event and the enclosing window can handle it.
>| 2. putting a pane with transparent background over the whole window.
>| Then all events should go to that pane and can be handled there.
>| Is one of this solutions possible ?
>| Are there other solutions for that problem ?
>| The application is MS-Windows only and doesn't need to be portable.
>| However, a portable solution is obviously prefered.
>The first may be possible with lots of Win32 API hacking around.
Yes, i would need to change the wndProc of the enclosing window or
(more brute-force) hang into the Get-Message/dispatch-message loop
and catch all events in question.
>The second is hardly possible since CAPI seems not to support
>transparent background or superimposing widgets.
I'm able to overlay widgets in a grid-layout by another grid-layout
(the trick is that capi seems to draw the :content from the last to the
first entry). Then maybe (?) i can set the drawing mode to Transparent.
But i would still need the WindowsHandle of the overlayed window. Is there
a way to get this ?
>The prettiest solution would be drawing by hand everything
>(including the
>button) on an output-pane. You could also investigate the
>possibility to put
>the button inside a pinboard-layout though this would suffers
>some of the
>flaws you have mentioned above.
The problem here is that for some widget i don't know how they look
(i.e. a text field may have arbitrary text and scroll positions).
I would need to blit the window into an off-screen buffer and then
create a new window with a "picture" of the original one :-(
Is this possible at all in CAPI ?
Kind regards