defrule rhs semantics
Hi. In the KW documentation for defrule, I read that "(<lisp-expr> <term>*) binds the result or results of calling <lisp-expr> to the <term> s with execution of the rule terminating if any bindings fail (if no <term> s are given execution will always continue)." I read this to mean that if <lisp-expr> returns NIL for any of the bindings, then this rule's execution will stop. That's what I want, but apparently I misunderstand the doc. Given this scenario: (defrule frodo :forward (hobbit ?hobbit) --> ((find-frodo ?hobbit) ?frodo) ((format t "Rule FRODO fired!~%"))) I had hoped that if FIND-FRODO returned NIL, the ?frodo binding would fail and execution of this rule's rhs would not continue. However, that isn't the case; execution continues regardless, so I clearly don't understand. Please offer clarification if you can. Thanks... David E. Young Bloodhound Software, Inc. "For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." -- Prov. 8:11 "But all the world understands my language." -- Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)