Making toolbar divider fill to the right...
Hi, How do I make a toolbar's divider fill all the way to the right? With the following: (define-interface toolbar-interface () () (:panes (toolbar-panel toolbar :dividerp t :items (list (make-instance 'toolbar-button :image :std-file-open) (make-instance 'toolbar-button :image :std-file-save)))) (:layouts (toolbar-layout simple-layout '(toolbar-panel))) (:default-initargs :layout 'toolbar-layout)) (contain (make-instance 'toolbar-interface)) The divider above the toolbar is just two buttons wide. How to make it extend all the way, like LWW's own toolbar? Thanks! Cheers. -- Ng Pheng Siong <> -+- Firewall Change Management & Version Control -+- Open Source Python Crypto & SSL