Example code showing weird focus bug
The following two multi-column-list-panels behave differently in response to the tab key. The tab key causes the first one to get stuck, so the arrow keys no longer work, unless you use the mouse to put the list back in focus. The tab key has no effect at all on the second one. (contain (make-instance 'multi-column-list-panel :columns '((:title abc :width 100)) :items '((a) (b) (c)))) (contain (make-instance 'multi-column-list-panel :columns '((:width 100)) :items '((a) (b) (c)))) In the first one, does the tab key cause the focus to go to the header and get stuck there? But if I click the header instead of using the tab key, the focus is still in the list. Can anyone explain what's happening? Does this only happen in LWW? __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online. http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html