Re: merging fasl files and disconnect-module
Re: merging fasl files and
Dave Fox
We are currently working
with a large application, which consists of
hundreds of lisp files and fasl files. Is it possible to
merge these
fasl files into one huge fasl file?
Yes, as Arthur already suggested you can use
OK, thanks, I think this is what we need.
Still another question
dealing with fli-code. How can I disconnect a
module after the module has been
already registered using 'fli:register-module'. I tried
'fli:disconnect-module', but this has no effect.
I notice the effect (i.e.changes in the c code are
updated correctly)
only after restarting LW.
Is this a OSX bug or am I doing something wrong?
Hard to say without an example :)
Check the doc for FLI:DISCONNECT-MODULE. Perhaps you need to call
with :REMOVE T, and then call again
This example demonstrates my problem.
First I create a simple Project Builder project, LWtest, where I
define and export the following C code:
float test2 (float n1, float n2)
{return n1+n2;}
After building the project I start LW and call the following Lisp
(defparameter *test-fli-path* (merge-pathnames
"LWtest/build/LWtest.framework/LWtest" (pathname-location
(fli:register-module "LWtest.framework"
:connection-style :immediate :file-name
(test2 "test2" :source)
((n1 :single-float) (n2 :single-float))
:result-type :single-float
:language :ansi-c)
(test2 (coerce 1.0 'single-float) (coerce 1.0
which returns the correct answer = 2.0.
Now, if I change the c code to the following (without leaving
float test2 (float n1, float n2)
{return n1-n2;}
and rebuild the project and call the following LW code
(fli:disconnect-module "LWtest.framework" :remove
and reevaluate the LW code above (i.e. register-module,
define-foreign-function ...)
I still get the old answer (= 2.0).
I get the correct answer (= 0.0), though, if I quit LW and start
LW again and evaluate the code above.
So it seems that 'disconnect-module' has no effect.